Monday, 16 November 2009

And what of God? by Sally

And what of god
Your childhood friend
Long ago sent packing?
When the tested much-tried
Remedy, the self-help guide
With careful steps
Or packet mix repellent
But weight-loss guaranteed
And fast
The serious exercise regime
Rowing for your life
Breathe in, stay calm
Repeat this mantra daily
Above all keep the faith
Another bottle, glass of red?
Or mindless televisual
Crap, always a store
Saved, to be replayed
Numbing, hypnotic
Charm of babble and of noise
Prattle, a tale told
Neatly, sweetly
Organised to soothe
Imbibe ingest the drug
Of fiction and escape
Marian Keyes I
Swallow you, devour you
Or is that in reverse
Me, lost gone obliterated
In the pages and the verse?
And what of god
Your childhood friend
Long ago sent packing?
When all and none
Of the above
Will do the trick
Still the rats who gnaw
And bite, not pretty sight
Gruesome, reeking havoc
Then do you yearn
For mum and dad
For black and white TV
Before the F word everywhere
For good behaviour sure
To be rewarded
And are you tempted to your knees
Arthritic now and painful
To call upon him
Childhood friend
Long ago sent packing?

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Where is my voice?

I’ve heard the angry woman cry,
“Where is my voice in this Book of yours?”
She wants to know why her concerns,
her sorrows and her joys
and her pain at male injustices
are not privileged
in sacred script.

But hush, dear sister mine and hear.
When you were small,
did I not say,
“All bullies are cowards –
and they lie”?
The book itself bears witness to their fear.

For, cowards still,
they dared not cover all the truth
when writing for their god
and so they told the truth
in hazy outlines
making excuses
as bullies always do,
believe me, it’s there for all to see.

Try reading as a human being,
bringing all you know,
from life,
and, dare I say, the Holy Spirit’s prompting,
and then say what you see.

To me it says,
“He did abuse her! She spoke the truth.”
It says,
“He did murder my children!”
So all those unheard, disbelieved
victims in our very own
godless patriarchy
are given a voice that clearly says,
“She doesn’t lie!”
“For pity’s sake listen, listen, listen to your children!”

And didn’t you know
the last and worst injustice
is not to be believed?

Clear as Stars by Sally

Clear as Stars
You write
So poignantly
Clear as stars
Bright message
From eternity
Of love, life blood
Pulsing, of
Fire in the veins
A perfect pairing
Two halves made whole
Dire separation’s purest pain
Your taste forbidden fruit fantastical
Of heaven and of hell
You paint a passion
Sharp as steel
Stiletto slicing skin
Bleeding crimson
Drop by drop
Each other’s drug and need
Clear as stars
Bright message
From eternity
Of love

6th November 2009, Brighton, for J with love